Say goodbye to manual networking

Use our AI-powered app to collect and action professional opportunities at events effortlessly

Networking takes too much time and effort!

You have a bunch of connections you need to sort through

You don't remember most people you meet at events

You are not deriving value from your connections

Networking Reimagined

Get more out of networking

Walk out of events with all the connections you made sorted and recorded by simply taking a photo of contact information (i.e. physical business cards, LinkedIn profiles, or contact QR codes)

Build meaningful connections

Get AI-driven suggestions on how best to collaborate and nurture your connections based on online insights.

Save time on follow-ups

Action professional opportunities and keep your connections alive all in one place!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are my contacts private?

Absolutely. Your contacts are private and only accessible to you. We prioritize your privacy and ensure your data is securely stored. You can read more about how we handle your data on our Policy Policy.

Can I export my contacts to use them with other tools?

Yup, you can easily export your contacts from Zaia as a CSVĀ file to integrate them with other tools you use.

How can I easily connect with others on LinkedIn using Zaia?

Zaia not only gives you AI-powered suggestions and makes it easy to follow up with contact details at your fingertips but also throws in the convenience of connecting on LinkedIn by having your LinkedIn QR code ready to go in the app. No more stumbling around LinkedIn trying to find it, we've got you covered for a smoother networking experience!

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